Short Featured on Twisted Nether Blogcast! – Short Notes

Short's featured on the Twisted Nether Blogcast on this edition of Short Notes!



Twisted Nether Blogcast Time!

Hello, Ability Powered gamers! Last weekend I had the honor of being a guest on the Twisted Nether Blogcast to talk about how Ability Powered got its start and all things accessibility in Azeroth. I know the live broadcast was a little late for some of my east coast gamers to attend, but never fear you can catch the whole episode on demand at the Twisted Nether Blogcast website! Make sure you guys stop by and check it out! Be sure to check out our other Short Notes too!


Short's been featured on the Twisted Nether Blogcast via podcast! Check it out now!


World of Warcraft’s No Fly Zone


World of Warcraft's no fly zone announcements.


World of Warcraft’s No Fly Zone Agenda

Hello, Ability Powered gamers! I wanted to talk to you today about an article that was released and has the World of Warcraft community up in arms. According to an article by Polygon, Warcraft Lead Designer Ion Hazzikostas announced that Blizzard will not be allowing flying in the coming expansion and in future expansions moving forward. Naturally, this comes as a shock after and being repeatedly reassured by Blizzard staff that while flying would not be permitted at the beginning of the expansion, it would be added at a later patch.


No Fly Zone for Everyone!

The news today seems to have the community angry for many reasons. Some are angry because selling us flying mounts in the store yet not allowing us to use them in current content seems like a slap in the face. Some are pointing out that while no fly zone at the beginning of the expansion was a great idea to let users to feel like they are on an adventure. However, later in the expansion people have enjoyed their adventure on their main character and now it’s time to that them level up their alternative characters in less of a time consuming manner. Some people are just downright mad that Blizzard told them one thing and are now making announcements through interviews that contradict what we were told in the beginning. There are many interesting points being made against Blizzard’s no fly zone bombshell, but here at Ability Powered I have to ask myself something, “What does it mean to my community of Ability Powered gamers?” There are two specific points I would like to bring up about the no fly zone decision and why I’m against it as a Blizzard fan and disabled gamer.


Why a No Fly Zone Doesn’t Work: Part 1

First off, I would like to start with the obvious: flying is quicker. Yes, I know I’m kind of being captain obvious with this point, but let me elaborate. When I am going from point A to point B, I am always trying to do it with as little effort as possible. I try to go to the flight paths closest to my destination. The less clicking and the less mouse movement I am required to do to reach the destination means less fatigue I will have just from traveling. The less energy I use to actually get to where I need to be means more time I can spend comfortably playing the game. A perfect example of how being limited to ground mounts is only adding extra clicking especially to the weekly traveling I make to attend raids.


A no fly zone in WoW adds extra fatigue while running to raids such as Highmaul. Highmaul ogres seen on patrol.


Getting to the Raids

Both raid instances of Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry have very winding/mob infested roads used to get you between the closest flight point and the raid instance. These paths also are riddled with hostile mobs which often give chase as you’re trying to pass by. Before a raid, or in any other activity in Azeroth, being chased down winding long paths is completely unnecessary and something I don’t need to deal with before raid time. While I know there are summoning stones that my guild can use to get me there, what happens later when this content is something players can solo? If flying were available I could simply gain altitude and click on the horizon to make one straight line to my destination in only about three clicks.


Why a No Fly Zone Doesn’t Work: Part 2

The second point, and to me the most important, is that by not allowing us to fly at any point in the expansion it is excluding players. Players who rely on the Move Pad user interface could never be able to complete all the goals Warlords of Draenor, or other WoW expansions, has to offer. While you guys know I am pretty positive toward Blizzard for having alternate ways to complete jumping puzzles they added this expansion, not everything is easily accessible. There are some treasures that I literally spent hours trying to find a solution around jumping mechanics to gain access to. I was told by a developer, well reminded by developer I should say, that finding treasures and completing jumping puzzles is an area of Warcraft that is completely optional. This can be said about almost any part of the game though.


No fly zone adds extra difficulty to disabled gamers especally in the form of jumping puzzles. Short is seen here staring at a far off treasure asking "How do I even?"


A Glimmer of Hope Fades

I would hope that any part of Warcraft gameplay would be accessible to every member of Azeroth including those who rely on the move pad. Although, I wasn’t concerned or offended that in the current content there were some things that remained difficult or impossible to pull off easily. The reason I wasn’t was because of the promise that flying was coming. All the treasure hidden atop walls and in treetops that I was unable to find an easy way to reach would be obtainable someday. When flying was allowed I knew I would be able to easily use my flying mounts to land on platforms I previously needed to jump to. This would have given an opportunity to complete “optional” content.


How to Solve This Puzzle

When the expansion was just released I did enjoy the immersion being created when I would mount up and begin questing. Now when I travel it’s because I’m heading to areas I have already visited multiple times. I have seen the zones from the ground, I have been immersed in the adventure, and I have had months to find solutions to jumping puzzles the developers added to the game. Now it is time to give us wings and let us choose whether or not we use them to enjoy the world however we decide we want to. Only allow flying to accounts to have already reached level 100 on another toon if you would like to ensure that a player’s first experience in the current content is one of sword drawn adventure. Keep in mind that allowing flying in Draenor doesn’t mean everyone is required to use it, players who enjoy being grounded can always continue doing so.


Flying or Not in the Coming Days

Short seen in her custom World of Warcraft wheelchair discussing WoW's No Fly Zone dilema.By excluding flying forever in the expansion, I feel as though players who were patiently waiting to be able to complete previously unreachable goals (i.e. finding all treasures) are being let down by a company who promised it was coming. I also feel like always having players travel long winded enemy infested paths is not going to make them feel like it is an epic adventure, but instead feel like they’re being given busy work to keep them occupied instead of letting them be time and energy efficient. But don’t take my word for it, this is a very hot button issue currently within the World of Warcraft community. What are your thoughts about the no fly zone? Let me know in the comments below and make sure to post all of your concerns on the WoW forums in a respectful manner to let the developers know if no flying is affecting your gameplay and enjoyment of the game. If you’d like to read more about Ability Powered updates then head to our News column, or the Opinion column if you want to hear more ranting!


If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold the Reins – The Quest



If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold the Reins!

Hello, Ability Powered gamers and welcome back to The Quest! When I started these quests I expected them to be the same quests you always have. Kill “X” amount of “__”. I wasn’t expecting to have a tip to share with you guys to you reduce the amount of movement you have to make. Boy, was I wrong!


Suffering, Take the Reins!

Here are my tips for reducing movement needed to complete both of these quests. If you will notice on the map there is a road that leads from your quest giver to outside the quest area. Position yourself on this road or on the dirt road to your left. Now killing the required ten citizens of Havenshire is easy. Since the citizens are trying to escape the area, just stay where you’re at and let the citizens come to you. There’s no need to run around the map to hunt them down.


Grand Theft Palomino

Not only do the citizens try to escape on this route, but so do the horses that you need to complete the quest “Grand Theft Palomino”. Just stay in this area until you have all the citizens you need and then wait on a horse to run by! There’s no need to try to chase one down. Just let it come to you. Once you mount the palomino you gain an ability called “Gallop”. Since you have to press a button to activate it, I suggest using the move pad tool to help complete this quest quickly. Move your move pad to the center and press the up button to continuously run. Now you can keep your mouse pointer on the gallop button and reactivate it every time it’s off cooldown. Now you only need to steer between activations as needed. Once you’re at the quest giver hit the “Deliver Stallion” button.


Driving Ms. Chaos

Now that “Grand Theft Palomino” is complete here is my tip to finish up If “Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold the Reins”. We have already taken care of the ten citizens, but we still need to defeat tens Scarlet Crusaders. If you go back down the hill below Death’s Rise you will notice that the crusaders like to hang out right there. As a bonus to fighting them in this area sometimes non-player characters we’ll help you defeat the crusaders making it even easier to complete the quest. More will continue to come to this area or respawn here, so once again just let the bad guys come to you.


Completing If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold the Reins

Short in her custom World of Warcraft wheelchair discussing the quest: If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold the ReinsThere’s no use in chasing down these quest objectives when you can let them come to you instead. Once I discovered these tips it made both the quests easier since movement is very limited to myself. But don’t take my word for it, go start up a Death Knight in World of Warcraft and check it out for yourself! If you have been questions or tips about any other quests share them in the comments below for future episodes of The Quest! Find more of The Quest here!




The Gift That Keeps on Giving – The Quest



The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Hello, Ability Powered gamers and welcome back to The Quest! This week we are in the Death Knight starting area and are going to be doing the quest “The Gift That Keeps on Giving.” Gothik the Harvester has asked us to convert five Scarlet Miners into Scarlet Ghouls using an object he’s given us called “Gift of the Harvester”.


Making The Gift That Keeps on Giving Easier

My tip to reduce mouse movement for this quest is to keybind the item “Gift of the Harvester” by dragging and dropping it onto your toolbar. As you can see using the item gives you a circle you use to target the miners and convert them. By binding the item on to your toolbar you can easily click the item near the middle of your screen where you can use it with easy movement. This way, you do not have to move your mouse all the way to the right side of the screen where the item is in your quest list, or to the right and the bottom to use at item from your bag. With the addition of addons, such as Bartender4, you can even have the button right in the center of the screen requiring you to barely move the mouse between the quest item and the target.


Keeping the Gift Flowing

This particular quest seemed to take awhile to complete since not all the miners will be converted into ghouls the first time you use the item. It is possible, depending on your gear, to try to convert multiple miners by using your quest item more than once between killing the ghost. In the above video, I am in heirloom gear, so I can take on a few at once and then use area-of-effect speels to down them. The respawn rate is pretty quick, so you don’t necessarily have to go very far into the cave to convert some miners.


No Thanks, I’m a Miner

Once a few ghouls are converted, they will help you fight any ghosts that spawn. This makes the quest even easier to finish. One thing I did notice is the item will only convert one miner at a time. I tried placing the target so two miners would be within its radius, but only one of the two would react. Another thing to be aware of is The Gift That Keeps on Giving will not give you credit every time you convert a miner into a ghoul, so make sure you keep up with how many you have converted. Once you have five, this time do return to the quest giver.


The Gift That Keeps on Giving Conclusion

Short in her custom World of Warcraft wheelchair going over the WoW quest: The Gift That Keeps on GivingBy binding the harvester item near the center of your screen for easy targeting; having ghouls fight with you; and staying near the entrance to the cave, you can reduce the mouse movement needed to complete this quest. But don’t take my word for it, check out the Death Knight starting area in World of Warcraft today and let me know what you think! If you have been questions or tips about any other quests share them in the comments below for future episodes of The Quest, and find more of The Quest here!



Ability Powered Charity Fundraiser – Give Kids the World (2015)



Give Kids the World Fundraiser May 1st & 2nd!

Hello, Ability Powered gamers! Tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow YOU can help us make magic! We will be streaming to raise money for Give Kids the World Village in Kissimmee, Florida. This is the most amazing organization. Just watch the video above to see why you should help us support this wonderful charity. Afterwards, join us throughout May 1st – May 2nd on Twitch to watch us game. Here’s our schedule! (All times are CST)


May 1st

1PM – 3PM Hearthstone with Short

3PM – 7PM Streaming with +10toFireResist

7PM – 3AM Warcraft with Short, Gilg, Queueru, and guildies


May 2nd

10AM – 2PM Lunch Time with DisneyDeathCamp

2PM – 4PM Hearthstone with Short

4PM – 6PM Don’t Starve with GamingInSherwood

6PM – 8PM Steam games with Short

You can donate anytime at including RIGHT NOW! So, get started early by donating today then come by and support out streamers May 1st & May 2nd as we all make serious magic together!


Ability Power is hosting a fundraising for Give Kids the World Village and needs YOUR help!


If you’d like to read more about Ability Powered updates then head to our News column!