I Can Exchange WoW Tokens for Money?
Hello, Ability Powered gamers! Today, Blizzard announced the introduction of a new way to trade in-game currency for game time and vice versa. It’s called a “WoW Token.” If you would like to sell game time for Azeroth gold you can buy a token from the in-game store then list it in a special section of the auction house. There’s a set price set by Blizzard depending on the market value which will change due to supply and demand. There will be no listing price or auction house cut. If you would like to buy game time you just by the token off the auction house and it will appear in your bag. The tokens can only be traded via the auction house to ensure a safe transaction.
A WoW Token Will Bring Change!
The possibilities of this system are huge! Citizens of Azeroth now have a safe way to get extra gold for real world cash without using third party sites. This would be great for gamers who need extra currency, but have little time to farm gold due to real life responsibilities. It’s also a great way to get gold on a realm you may be new to. This will also be a way for members of the community to help someone out if they are in need of game time. Real life hardships come up from time to time, so this allows friends to brings others into the World of Warcraft.
Love WoW, but Low on Money? Keep Playing!
This is also great news for anyone on a fixed income. Now, you will have an option to play the game you love without it being a burden on your monthly expenses. Between playing the auction house; farming old content; questing; and making the most out of your professions, you can now earn enough gold to purchase a token for a month of game time.
WoW Token: Keepin’ the Gold Flowing’
I think it’s a great addition no matter which side of the transaction you are on. Whether you just need a little gold boost with real life money or if you need pay for your game with in-game currency, this will provide a very safe way to do it! But don’t take my word for it, check out Blizzard’s WoW Token F.A.Q. about this feature coming to a future patch. What do you guys think about the new WoW token? Do you think you will use it? If so, in what way? Let me know what you think, and check out more Ability Powered News!