Vacation Idea Dilemmas!
Let’s be honest, everyone loves vacation. It’s time to rest, explore, and just get away for awhile. Each BlizzCon I think about how great it would be to land in sunny California and spend a few days hanging out with the greatest bunch of geeks I know. However, I start looking at the fine print and realize making that happen would take nothing short of a miracle. I would have to go on a heavy medication regiment to start off well, go to the airport two hours before the “get there early” time, fly four hours, find handicapped transportation from airport to hotel, rent medical equipment needed while there, and hope I get there without being near any triggers that set off a respiratory episode. Or, of course, have my 56 year old mother from Small Town, Tennessee drive in Los Angeles traffic!
Vacation Preparation
Vacations with my disability are definitely different. They take a lot of extra planning and travel time since my best course of action is driving to the destination. I can pack extra necessities, lie down anytime I’m not feeling well, and I don’t have to worry about being in a confined space with people who bathe in perfume. Driving takes extra time, but it’s definitely needed in my situation. The extra time needed for traveling offers one big perk… time to think.
Vacation & the Future
You might have noticed an absence in content recently. It started out due to illness, crept into holiday hiatus’, then ended with vacation out of towness (yes, I’m aware that’s not a real word… until now!) During vacation I had a lot of time riding in a van. Long stretches of road to think about Ability Powered and its YouTube/website future. I thought about video series that I want to do and games on my to do list. I thought a lot about the website and found myself in a dilemma.
A Place for Gaming Accessibility & More
I originally created this site to only post gaming news that involved disabilities. I used it to post summaries of my videos for hearing impaired gamers. Both are things I want to continue here. Gaming is my thing. It’s my love. Then the dilemma popped up. I was thinking of posts I wish I could share with you guys that aren’t gaming. I’m not talking about “21 Makeup Secrets You Never Knew”… that’s definitely not my thing. They were more tips and tricks to help in real life.
Where Does Ability Powered Go Now?
Even this vacation took me pulling rabbits out of hats to make it a success. Sure, I can show you “Easy Ways to Tightrope Walk in Azeroth”, but where could “Easy Way to Keep Your Straws from Being Murdered in your Wheelchair Backpack” fit in? Do I make a different blog for the broader non-gaming content and potentially have you guys going to two sites? Do I go off topic occasionally on my gaming site and potentially lose you guys that only want gaming? Do I keep the real life tricks to myself or share in hopes it can help someone else… like my gaming content does? It’s all disability things, but I’m not so sure what to do.
I need input from YOU guys. Give me your opinions here, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube… ANYWHERE! I know you guys have them, share them! Check here if you’d like to see more Ability Powered Short Notes!