Happy First Birthday Celebration! – Short Notes

Short in real life celebrating her happy first year of Ability Powered!



Happy First Birthday!

One year ago I set out on a magical journey to share what tricks and tips I had learned with others. I never imagined it would turn into a such an amazing adventure. Thank every one of you for everything you’ve done to encourage and help Ability Powered grow. To show our appreciation we’re having a giveaway. Wanna win? Tell us what your favorite thing about Ability Powered is, or what you want to see more of. Comment here, on YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook by May 1st, 2014.


So Many Thanks!

Thanks to GamingInSherwood and Crazyknight for all the hours of moral support and technological support this year. Without all the advice and nudging, I never would have gotten Ability Powered going. I love you guys more than you’ll ever know. Also, big thanks to +10 to Fire Resist, LowPopWow, and WowInsider for helping spread the word about Ability Powered. Butts McGee also gets a thank you for my first fan art that I use on videos. I couldn’t have done it without all your help. And thanks to everyone who sent notes and messages across social media and email. You all have no idea what it’s meant.


Time for Round Two!

Short seen sitting in her custom World of Warcraft wheelchair celebrating Ability Powered's first birthday!Here’s to the start of an amazing year two! I can’t wait to share it with each of you…  but don’t take my word for it, watch abilitypowered.com and across social media to see all the content coming soon!

Did you enjoy this edition of Short’s Short Notes? Find tons more of them here!





Heroes of the Storm Changes Lessen Accessibility Experience


Heroes of the Storm logo seen. Heroes of the Storm changes discussed.


Heroes of the Storm Changes Have Came!

Yesterday’s Alpha wipe erased more that just personal progress. It also was a defeat for gamers interested in the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre who have some mobility or anxiety issues. One thing I was excited to see in this Heroes of the Storm change was the quest system. This new setup is similar to that of Hearthstone. Quests net you extra experience allowing you to level up and earn gold. The gold allows you to buy heroes, so you can play your favorite hero any time you’d like. The part that was a huge victory was that these quests could be completed in Practice or Cooperative Mode. Yesterday’s patch removed this option. Now quests can only be completed in Versus Mode.


A screenshot is seen from the recent Heroes of the Storm changes such as patch notes stating the difference in experience gains.


Why Does Game Type Matter?

If you are a regular MOBA fan you already know the competitive mindset Player versus Player (PvP) environments can feed. A stellar example is found in the League of Legends community. New players are quickly berated if their performance is less than perfect. Accidental deaths are labeled as “feeding the other team” and followed by crude comments about your mother. This can be stressful to anyone, but especially for anyone with social anxiety issues. When posting my First Look videos and streaming, this was quickly brought to my attention. It was something I never really realized was such a profound struggle at times. There were multiple people commenting about how now with Practice Mode being rewarded equally to Versus they could enjoy a MOBA and feel like they were accomplishing goals. With Heroes of the Storm changes, some players who wouldn’t play before because of the social aspect were looking forward to Heroes for this reason.


Is Versus Mode That Great?

Versus mode also brings with it aggressive game play. In a game where fast movement and repetitive mouse play can mean life or death, players who are unable to make agile movement can find themselves at a disadvantage. Pressing keys and mouse buttons simultaneously can allow fast casting of abilities and better performance. However, not everyone can play in this style. Mouse-only gamers have a choice: click your ability or click to run. The delay between attacking and movement can cause your hero to either stay in lane a bit too long and face death, or retreat early and miss damaging enemy players. Both choices often lead to negativity from competitive teammates.


What About Cooperative & Practice Modes?

Cooperative and Practice modes are different. In cooperative, while you are still playing with teammates, who at times can be temperamental, it happens far less often. Artificial Intelligence (AI) are also a lot less aggressive, so slower movements aren’t penalized as often. Having more time to react to incoming enemies and knowing they won’t bypass minions to stealth attack let’s mouse-only gamers focus more on attacking and less on retreating. In Practice mode, the game play is even less stressful. No one is there to point out your deaths. No one ever insults you or your mother for mistakes.  The game can be paused in this mode which was amazing for those of us who may need a break because of fatigue from repetitive clicking.


You Can Still Get Some Experience. Who cares?

You do still get experience from playing in Practice and Cooperative mode. Although, since these Heroes of the Storm changes the experience has a daily cap. Versus mode has no cap, plus it has bonus experience points from completing quests. Players who play Versus mode will be gaining levels at a much faster and unlimited rate. With leveling comes gold and gold buys you heroes. So should players be forced into PvP in hopes of unlocking heroes they want quicker? In my opinion, no.


PvP “Paradise”

MOBA’s lean toward competitive players, as they should. The competitiveness is focused on that Versus experience. You bested another person, not an AI. You fought bravely and prevailed! This is the thrill of PvP. The problem emerges when that competitive nature turns toxic. If you love a game and want to avoid that aggressiveness, I don’t think you should be penalized. If you need to use the game mode where you can pause and rest you’re hand, you shouldn’t be penalized.


Experience for All!

I agree Versus mode should be worth more experience per match. It is more stressful and difficult than the other modes after all. I also think AI in Practice mode shouldn’t be able to win matches without help from the player. Heroes of the Storm changes were needed to avoid the away from keyboard experience grind. However, quests were made to help boost experience. They give the player a goal to achieve. Players who don’t care for the stress of aggressive gameplay should be given that sense of satisfaction by being able to complete these tasks in their preferred mode.


*Grabs Torch & Pitchfork* It’s an Outrageous Change! Who Do I Rage to?

You don’t rage. Remember this is an alpha of Heroes of the Storm changes come and go. Blizzard is still shaping how Heroes of the Storm will be at launch. You can leave constructive feedback on this forum if this change to questing concerns you. Short seen sitting in her custom World of Warcraft wheelchair discussing the recent Heroes of the Storm changes.Hopefully a solution can be found that allows those of us who love MOBA game types, but need a less aggressive/competitive form of play. This will allow us to get back in there and feel the accomplishment of completing our given objectives along with not feeling penalized for avoiding the PvP experience. While this change was a minor annoyance to some, it is more concerning to others. But don’t take my word for it, check out the links below to learn more. If you’d like to read more disability headlines then find more on our OpinionNews columns!



Heroes of the Storm Alpha Versus Mode – Accessibility First Look



Heroes of the Storm Alpha Versus Mode

If you have followed along with the previous videos then you know the basics, but do you know the Heroes of the Storm Alpha Versus Mode basics? Not yet you don’t! You do know about Practice and Cooperative modes though. Versus Mode has the same mechanics and controls, but is definitely a different experience.


Aggressive Mode

Your team of five real people will be facing five enemies who are also real people. Without Non Player Characters (NPCs), gameplay becomes much more aggressive. Aggressive gameplay often requires faster movement and frequent mouse clicking. Matches also typically last longer due to the more skilled opposition you’re facing. Games can last 25 minutes or more, so be aware if fatigue is an issue to you. As of now, there is no penalty if you have to leave early, but I fully expect that to change as the game continues into Beta and beyond. Leaving early put your team at a disadvantage and should be avoided unless it is an emergency.


Validating Versus Mode

While fun, Heroes of the Storm Alpha Versus Mode is more demanding; less forgiving; and more stressful than Cooperative or Practice modes. While you can talk to your teammates during the match, all communications when the match ends are stopped. This will keep trolling down as the stat screen is loaded. If you like more aggressive gameplay and aren’t easily fatigued, Versus is probably for you. But don’t take my word for it, signup for Beta & try it out! Look for more HotS on our YouTube channel! If this Accessibility First Look helped you here then check out our other First Looks!


Why I Love Guild Leading


Short seen guild leading her World of Warcraft guild in Stormwind City.


A Love of Guild Leading

If you’ve known me long you’ll know there’s very few things I love more than my World of Warcraft guild. They’re my second family. They’re my friends.They’re home. When we get a chance to just hang out on vent or in chat, and just talk conversation quickly turns into something you would hear at a family reunion. “Remember when Jason ate old cookie dough he found in his trunk?” “What about when Lunch Ice Blocked during Sapphiron & wiped us?” This month my guild turns seven years old, and I’ve been the leader since day one. I could write all day about the people I’ve met since that guild charter was signed, or the shenanigans we’ve been through over the years. I won’t do that to you (okay, I’ll TRY not to).


Guild Leading Brings a Change

Today, I want to cover a different reason why I love guild leading. Guild leading boosted my confidence. I’m not going to lie and tell you guys I was a shy kid. I don’t think I had a shy bone in my body. I also never doubted myself in very many situations. I’m a Leo, what can I say? All this was very me growing up, but in my 20s things were changing. I was getting sicker, I was losing independence, I was losing that over abundance of confidence I was (thankfully) born with. My real life friends were having kids and getting dream jobs and I was home playing the Sims.


Simple Guildly Beginnings

Then I began my journey through World of Warcraft. I started my guild so my brother, boyfriend, and myself at the time could easily communicate. I had no idea what I was really signing up for. It wasn’t very long until people started needing things. They needed dungeon groups. They had group quests. Eventually they wanted a raid team.  Everyone looked to me for help. I wasn’t the person needing help, but I was the one helping others.


Short and her companions in the early days of World of Warcraft during her early Guild Leading days.


Incognito Guild Leading

No one knew I was disabled in my guild other than the few I knew in real life. I wanted to keep it that way. I liked the responsibility and the way everyone looked to me for help. I didn’t want anyone to change to the “poor sick girl” attitude I got so often in real life. I hid my disability as long as I could, but when the truth finally did come out a funny thing happened… no one acted any different. I was still Short… Guild Leader. Everyone still needed things, respected my decisions, and nothing changed. So every day I was in Azeroth. I was scheduling what was needed. I was logging in voice chat even though I was self-conscious about my voice. I was leading.


Guild/Raid Leading

People classify a successful guild in different ways. Although, in the early days of my guild our realm looked at one thing: raid progression. During the Burning Crusade bigger, hardcore guilds one in particular made it a point to repeatedly tell me my guild was nothing because of our raiding progress. I simply wanted to raise a successful, well respected guild. With things in real life changing, my energy went into my guild. While we are casual raiders, I wanted to kill bosses. I didn’t care about being first, I cared about finishing. I wanted my guild to be seen as successful. I wanted to be seen as successful. I wanted to be faced with the challenges and come out victorious.


Short raid led along with her guild leading and here she and her raiders are seen as turkeys infront of the Lich King.


Guild Leading to Victory

Indeed we won. We weren’t realm first boss killers, but we cleared raids while they were current content. The Lich King we took down right before Cataclysm began. It’s a victory I’ll never forget. The next expansion was the same. Deathwing went down before Mists of Pandaria was invaded. This expansion we’re on course to get Garrosh before we time travel to Draenor. I did it (with my raiders of course). For every “you’ll never” I was told… we did.


Guild Leading Level 25

The biggest confidence builder wasn’t from raiding though. It was from earning the first Realm First to be acquired on our server. We are our realm’s “Realm First Level 25 Guild”, and in the process we surpassed a rather hardcore guild. Again, we weren’t expected to win… but we did. I had turned my little leveling guild into something respected.


Short's guild leading accomplishment of Realm First Guild Level 25.


More Than Just Leading a Guild

It may not make sense to some readers, I understand that, but to me those in-game victories meant more than just another boss down or some silly achievement earned. They were me succeeding. They were me building a place where there’s no unbeatable challenge. I was surrounded by people who weren’t too busy seeing my disability to see who I am. Instead of having to stay home & play the Sims while people I graduated with were getting dream jobs; getting married; and having kids, I was having my own success. While I was getting sicker; needing more help; and loosing abilities in real life, in Azeroth I was the leader of this guild who needed my help and was growing stronger every year.


Guild Growth & Personal Growth

Short in her younger years sitting on a bed, the guild leading abilities always being there from the start.Seeing my guild succeeding and growing, for 7 years now, reminded me of that kid who never doubted herself. I built this. I may have been sick and I may have been weaker, but none of that mattered. I am still the same as I was in my younger, more independent years…  it just took an amazing guild to remind me what I was capable of.

Not only can you tell me why you love guild leading or your guild leader in the comments below, you can find more of mine at our Opinion column!




World of Warcraft’s Colorblind Mode, What a Sight!


Warcraft’s Colorblind Mode is Really Impressive

I’m sure everyone knows there is a Colorblind Mode option in World of Warcraft. Have you gone in-depth with it though? If you suffer from a visual disability you probably should. When enabled you quickly notice obvious changes. For instance, your money is no longer sorted by a Gold, Silver, or Copper coin. Instead, the coin is replaced by a letter indicating which coin would typically be there.


A screenshot from World of Warcraft showing the coin currency change when Warcraft's colorblind mode is enabled.


Colorblind Professions

Screenshot of the Tailoring profession with Warcraft's Colorblind Mode activated which shows pluses + instead of colors.


Another area this accessibility option shines is in the professions’ window. By default, the User Interface uses colors to indicate which patterns will benefit you in leveling a profession the most. An orange recipe nets you the greatest chance at earning a point while green only has a small chance. In Colorblind Mode plus (+) signs are added next to each pattern to let the user know this instead. The more plus signs, the more it benefits your chances of earning a skill point.



Screenshot of the WoW's Interface that leads to Warcraft's Colorblind Mode option.

Good news, though. Activating Colorblind Mode is easy! While in-game, select “Menu”. Then click “Interface”. In the left column click “Help” then check the box beside “Enable Colorblind Mode.”  This turns on the changes I talked about above, but guess what? There’s more!





Warcraft’s Colorblind Mode Color Scales

What if you wanted to change the colors to really get more out of Azeroth’s environment? You can! There’s actually commands to type in the chat box tailored to the different types of colorblindness.To activate this option, type in the following command and replace the # with the number associated with your type of colorblindness.

(example: /console colorblindshader 0)

/console colorblindshader #

Replace # with the number you need!


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the default for Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

0 – Disabled (Default)


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Protanopia version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

1 – Protanopia


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Protanomaly version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

2 – Protanomaly


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Deuteranopia version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

3 – Deuteranopia


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Deuteranomaly version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

4 – Deuteranomaly


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Tritanopia version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

5 – Tritanopia


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Tritanomaly version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

6 – Tritanomaly


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Achromatopsia version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

7 – Achromatopsia


A World of Warcraft screenshot displaying the Achromatomaly version of Warcraft's Colorblind Mode.

8 – Achromatomaly


WoW’s Colorblind Conclusion

Some things that help colorblind players don’t even need to have an option turned on.  During many raid encounters “raid markers” are used to alert the team on how to deal with upcoming mechanics. While many raid leaders may call for their team to “Stack on Blue”, each marker is also classified by a shape. Ability Powered savvy raid leaders will know to call shapes instead of colors to include everyone! “Stack on Square!”

Short sitting in her custom World of Warcraft wheelchair discussing Warcraft's Colorblind Mode options.Warcraft’s Colorblind Mode is pretty detailed. The fact you can personalize your environment based on the various types of colorblindness really amazes me. In fact, Blizzard improved the colorblind options further in Patch 6.1 and you can read about them here. But don’t take my word for it, check out colorblind options in Azeroth today!

These colorblind options for disability accessibility can help you with future battles, but you can find more help with these other Short Guides!