Battleground Targets – Addons for Accessibility



Battleground Targets Accessibility Spotlight

Hello, Ability Powered gamers! This week’s Addons for Accessibility is for all thoseย  World of Warcraft Player versus Player (PvP) lovers out there. It’s called Battleground Targets. With Battleground Targets you can easily target members of the opposing faction without the need for excessive mouse movement. Battleground Targets adds a list of every enemy to your screen as a battleground starts. Clicking on a name makes that enemy your target. The reason I think this adds additional accessibility is because it counters a problem I encounter during PvP.


Battleground Targets’ Thorough Options

PvP is all about movement in many cases. If you have mobility issues in Azeroth, such as slower mouse movement or get easily fatigued, you already know how frustrating it is to chase enemies around the screen. Battleground Targets completely eliminates this by providing you a stationary list to click. The options are also very friendly to anyone looking for added accessibility. Not only can you adjust health bar sizes to meet infinite needs, you can also move it anywhere on the screen. It will show you a ton of information about the enemy team like how many tanks, healers, and damage dealers they have without needing to go click the battleground information screen. It will also show you who is in range and who they are targeting. You can also see if they use/have used a PvP trinket.


Helping to Dominate Your Enemies!

Short seen drawn while sitting in her custom WoW wheelchair talking about the accessibility options for the World of Warcraft addon Battleground Targets.All and all this is an amazing addon, but don’t take my word for it! Check out Battleground Targets on CurseForgeย and let me know what you think! Tell me in the comments how you liked it, and if it was able to help you dominate the battleground! If you have an addon you would like to see on Addons for Accessibility let me know and I would love to check it out!






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