Mission Statement

Here at Ability Powered video game accessibility and inclusion are a priority. Whether you are a gamer looking for information about game options and assistive technology, or a developer looking for feedback on options on your game, our goal is to get everyone playing. We promise to do everything we can to promote accessibility whether on a large industry scale or one on one with gamers.

2 thoughts on “Mission Statement

  1. Hey AbilityPoweredGaming!,
    I am writing you in regards about a group project that the six of us together have (students bachelor game design). We have chosen to make a video game for disabled persons, and would like to gather more information.

    We are looking for information and feedback about how to make a game suitable for disabled persons, how to balance these types of games and what could be common pitfalls when designing such a game. Pretty much anything that could help us on our journey.

    Right now we do have a concept & paper prototype of the game that we would like to show and get feedback on. For this we would like to have an interview / feedback session preferably next week (apx. 29 march to 5 april) But if thatโ€™s not possible, it could be delayed a bit. The interview / feedback session would take around 30 – 60 minutes.

    We hope that there is someone (or 2) that can help us out to make an awesome game for the disabled.

    Kind regards

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